Workshop Track - Call for Papers

We solicit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main SANER conference. Workshops should highlight topics of interest related to software analysis, evolution, and reengineering, and should provide concrete opportunities for researchers to exchange and debate scientific ideas at an early stage, before they are solid and mature enough for publication in conference or journal venues.

We encourage workshop organizers to include usual conference-like sessions like keynotes and paper presentations, but most importantly, activities that provide their participants with a true workshop experience, including (but not limited to) tool demo sessions, tutorials, panels, poster presentations, and discussion sessions.

Workshops can be organized as full-day or half-day events.

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated by the track co-chairs. The evaluation will focus on the novelty, originality, and importance to the field of the workshop topics, and on the adequate structure of proposed sessions.

Submission Instructions

Workshop proposals should include the following information, with a maximum of two pages in IEEE proceedings format:

  • Workshop title
  • Main contact for the workshop
  • Workshop organizers and contact information
  • Brief description of workshop topic and goals
  • Expected numbers of submissions and participants
  • Expected number of accepted papers
  • Draft workshop schedule including duration (full day or half day), together with the expected type/format of sessions
  • Paper selection criteria and mechanism (Important note: SANER 2019 follows a full double-blind review process, so workshop submissions should also be double-blind)

Please send your workshop proposal via EasyChair

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission deadline: September 30, 2018 October 9, 2018 AoE
  • Notifications: October 9, 2018 October 15, 2018