Tool Demo Track - Call for Papers

The Tool Demonstration track is a valuable venue of the 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER'19). The goal of this track is to promote live presentations of tool prototypes. Software Tools are fundamental for the research in software maintenance, reverse engineering, and reengineering. These tool demonstrations have a prominent role in the SANER'19 conference, which substantially increases the visibility of the research associated to such tools.

The demonstrations are expected to showcase tools that implement research approaches. The tools may range from mature prototypes to fully developed products that have not been commercialized yet. We encourage demonstration proposals that complement full research papers. For example, while a research paper provides the background information and the scientific contribution of a novel approach, a tool demonstration shows how such an approach has been converted into a running prototype. Thus, the authors of potential research papers are encouraged to submit their respective tools to this track. Any of the topics covered by the SANER'19 conference are appropriate for this track.

Evaluation Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the tool demonstration program committee. The committee will review each submission based on the innovation, effort, relevance, and quality of the submission.

Important note: SANER 2019 follows a full double-blind review process. For details see the Instructions for Authors. Submissions that do not adhere to these limits or that violate the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review.

A good tool paper should:

  • Fall under the topics mentioned in the SANER 2019 research track;
  • Present and discuss a tool that has NOT been published before as a tool paper;
  • Motivate the need for the tool;
  • Describe the novelty of the tool;
  • Describe how the tool is related to efforts in academia and industry;
  • Clearly explain the goals, requirements, architecture, and inner workings of the tool;
  • NOT necessarily contain a large-scale empirical study of the tool, BUT any empirical results or user feedback are highly encouraged;
  • Optionally include in the abstract the URL of a 3-to-5 minute screencast (either with annotations or voice-over), providing a concise version of the tool demo scenario. The video should be posted on YouTube (private, not shared) or hosted on the tool’s website.

Submission Instructions

Submissions of tool demonstrations must:

  • Adhere to the conference proceedings style (IEEE proceedings paper format guidelines.); have a maximum of 5 pages that falls under the aforementioned criteria; be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the SANER 2019 Easychair submission site.
  • Accepted tool demonstrations will be allocated 5 pages in the conference proceedings. Demonstrators will be invited to (i) present their tool as per scheduled in the conference program, and (ii) participate in a hands-on session in which SANER attendants will use and experiment the tools. Commercial products or products that have already been commercialized will not be accepted. The purpose of the demonstrations is to highlight scientific contributions and, as such, should not be used as sales pitches.

Important Dates: